Rolling Through Life's Challenges

business development entrepreneur real estate May 30, 2023
Wheel of Life

Life is a journey, and like any journey, it's essential to have a clear destination and a reliable vehicle to get you there. The vehicle for your life's journey is your "wheel of life" - a representation of the six key areas of your life: business, financial, spiritual, physical, relational, and mental. Each spoke on the wheel represents one of these areas, and the goal is to keep the wheel well-balanced and maintained in order to navigate the challenges that come your way.

But, let's be real, life can be unpredictable. Just like a small pebble on the road can throw off a skateboarder's balance, small obstacles in life can cause our wheel of life to falter. And just like an oblong wheel on a car can be damaged by normal speed bumps, imbalances in multiple life accounts can make us vulnerable to damage from normal life challenges. However, just like a monster truck tire that can drive over school buses with ease, a well-balanced wheel of life allows us to handle even the toughest obstacles with grace and resilience.

But how do we achieve a well-balanced wheel of life? It starts with identifying and articulating our purpose, our "north star" that guides us through each terrain. Once we have a clear sense of purpose, we can use it to set specific goals and plan for each of the six life accounts. It's not about achieving perfection in each area, but rather being intentional and making progress in each one.

One of the keys to maintaining a well-balanced wheel of life is consistency. It's like going to the gym, if you only go once a week, you won't see much progress, but if you make it a consistent habit, the progress will come. The same goes for the wheel of life, by consistently checking in on each account and making progress, we can maintain balance and navigate life's challenges with ease.

Another important factor is flexibility. Just like a wheel that can adapt to different terrains, we need to be able to adapt to changes and unexpected obstacles. When one area of our life is struggling, it's important to be able to shift our focus and resources to that area without neglecting the others.

As you probably see by now, the wheel of life is a powerful tool for understanding and navigating the different aspects of life. By focusing on all six accounts, creating a "north star" for each one, and consistently checking in on each account, we can maintain balance and navigate life's challenges with ease. It's important to be flexible and adapt to changes and unexpected obstacles, and by doing so, we can achieve a well-balanced wheel of life that allows us to handle even the toughest obstacles with grace and resilience.

Brent Hanson is a successful entrepreneur, thought leader and bio hacker. He owns City of Trees Real Estate which generates over $5 million dollars in revenue per year, Livian Select which is a real estate platform co-ownerd with Adam Hergenrother and Gary Keller and hundreds of real estate doors.